So you want to learn about Irokebijin sex dolls? Take a seat, and cancel your 2 o’clock lunch date with that ugly girl from Tinder. This is more important! Irokebijin sex dolls come in Silicone and TPE. They are available in 80 cm, 90 cm, 95 cm, 105 cm, 110 cm, 120 cm, 135 cm, 140 cm, and 147 cm sizes. There are so many Irokebijin models it isn’t even funny. The most recent model is the Irokebijin 105 cm Kasumi which is a scaled down version of the Irokebijin 147 cm Kasumi. The most popular Irokebijin models are smaller in the range of 80 cm- 95 cm, and many models come with the choice to be made in Silicone or TPE. The 120 cm models have also made quite a splash in the market as well. One thing that is most important to mention is that the connections for the silicone 90 and 95 cm Irokebijin dolls and the connections for the 80 cm-120 cm tpe Irokebijin dolls are completely different. They are also special bolts. That’s right. You can’t just walk into a home depot and buy them so don’t lose them! If you do lose one just feel free to email [email protected] and we will see what we can do to help you out. Just in case you didnt catch that, the connections for the small Irokebijin silicone dolls and the connections for the small Irokebijin TPE dolls are totally different. That means you can’t just put the head from a silicone 90 cm Abby on the body from a 90 cm TPE Akane. Yes people have tried it and noone has succeeded yet. It’s like trying to put a round hole on a square peg.

One thing you must know is that for these smaller 80 cm – 120 Irokebijin sex doll connections , TPE and silicone alike, some of them have a metal rod sticking out from the neck that goes into the base of the head so that the neck will turn when the head is turned to the side. If your doll doesn’t have this then the head will spin forever into eternity. It will never get tighter. This is because the smaller Irokebijin dolls use a special bolt that has threads on one side and a quick connect on the other side. The threads from one side may bottom out, but its the quick connect side that will allow the head to turn for all eternity. Let’s talk about the larger dolls that Irokebijin offers. The 147 cm silicone is the largest body offered by Irokebijin and it is the only model to be offered with articulated fingers. At the time of this writing the 147 cm is not available in TPE yet. Like all other Irokebijin silicone dolls this body is available with hard standing feet. The silicone dolls from the Irokebijin family are only made with hard boltless standing feet. Irokebijin has gotten a little better about making dolls where the hard foot seam is not so obvious. This seam usually appears about halfway between the knee and ankle bones. This is where the soft silicone of the legs meets the hard silicone of the feet. The first sex dolls that had this hard foot feature came out about three years ago. The look was very crude and “Frankensteinish”. These very first dolls that appeared on the market with hard boltless feet evolved into the much more aesthetically pleasing hard-foot dolls we see today. Let’s talk about the 110 and 120 cm models in greater detail.

The 110 and 120 cm Irokebijin dolls are currently only available in TPE. It is possible that this may change in the future. Among this class of Irokebijin dolls we have the 110 cm Koharu and 110 cm Hina. These dolls have different bodies, despite looking the same. The more slender 110 cm Shinobu by Irokebijin was released much earlier than the Hina and Koharu. She is characterized by a more mature body with wonderful bursting bobs on her adult frame. Her eyes are painted on, making her the only doll by Dollforever with painted on eyes.

The Shinobu is the same height as the 110 cm Koharu and 110 cm Hina above. It uses the exact same special connector bolt as the smaller TPE Irokebijin dolls. For this reason, many people ask the question: Can I put a shinobu head on my 110 cm Hina body? The answer is Yes! You can do it, but it will look freakish and give you nightmares. Always consider if the doll piece you are intermingling with another doll piece is scaled down or not. Some dolls are scaled down and some are not. Consider the 110 cm height Shinobu in the picture above. She appears as an adult anime woman. By contrast the 110 cm Hina looks like a young girl but is the exact same height as Shinobu. This means essentially that if you put a young girl’s head on an adult’s body it will look weird. It all makes sense when you explain it this way, but it is not intuitive knowledge to most people. When you think of scaled down dolls think of Barbie. She is a doll representing an adult woman scaled down to be affordable and light, just as many of the dolls at are.