Are Childlike Sex Dolls Illegal?

First we need to address the country we are speaking of. At the time of this writing on June 5, 2023 in some geographies like Australia and the UK, laws have made it to where you can not own a child-like sex doll. The laws in these countries are most extreme while still allowing one to buy large sex dolls. In Canada, one may buy any small doll as long as it has a large bust. Medium bust dolls may be purchased in Canada, but the buyer would be wise to make sure the doll appears mature in other details before purchasing. In the US, only 7 states have banned child-like dolls: Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Hawaii. South Dakota, and more recently Arizona and Utah. Please keep in mind that as time goes on, we anticipate more states to step in and ban these types of sex dolls. What is a childlike sex doll exactly? A childlike sex doll is often defined as a doll which is childlike in appearance and whose purpose is to offer the owner sexual gratification.

The problem with the laws banning these dolls are several. One problem is that the laws are not specific as to what defines the term “child-like.” If I have a doll that is 4’7 or 140 cm, is that childlike? How can I determine if this doll has “turned 18” or not? To spare the reader boredom of a lengthy explanation, the answer is that this is not possible. The age of a doll is subjective to the viewer. The second problem, is that we have not been given time to study whether these dolls are bad for society or not. For example, do we know if these dolls encourage child predators to attack real children, or do we know if they prevent predators from acting on real children because they have an outlet in the form of a childlike doll? My belief is that any person who would harm a real child does not need a doll to practice on or encourage him. He is already a monster who will commit heinous acts without help from a harmless doll. The lack of study into whether these dolls encourage predation or quench unhealthy urges is dangerous. Society is not bothering to actually study the potential benefits of these small dolls. Society is simply banning them because they do not understand them.

Why do people buy child-like dolls? The answer is not so simple. Men are attracted to youth and beauty and over millennia they evolved this way. Laws in the last two centuries have only recently stepped in to tell men that being attracted to 15 year old girls was illegal, thus the term “jailbait”. We can change laws overnight, but biology takes much longer to adapt to laws, if it cares at all to do so. Child-like dolls are appealing to customers for more reasons than the average Karen would care to listen to. Child-like dolls are often small dolls, but not all small dolls are child-like dolls. It’s important to make the distinction between child-like sex dolls and scaled-down dolls. Scaled-down dolls are dolls that are adult in appearance but made smaller for the benefits of affordability, weight, and concealability. When you think of scaled down dolls, think of Barbie. Here are some examples of scaled down dolls so you get the idea:


As mentioned above, there are a few different reasons men choose to buy childlike dolls. One is the younger appearance of such dolls. Smaller dolls are also less expensive, easier to lift, and easier to hide than larger sex dolls. Have you ever tried to lift a 100 lb / 45 kg sex doll that has no handles? I have, and let me tell you, it is not easy for most men! In fact this is one reason why most women will not buy a sex doll. They just weigh too dang much! So as a man you can feel free to ignore those silly articles about women claiming to replace their man with a sex doll. Males sex dolls will not be mowing the lawn or paying the bills anytime soon, I can promise you that.

In the United States, 43 States allow you to buy a childlike sex doll legally and if you live in one these 43 states it is your God-given right to buy one of these dolls if you like. Why is this significant to the average sex doll buyer not interested in child-like dolls? Even if said sex doll buyer is not interested in young looking dolls, it means he can buy whatever doll he likes without the fear of some Karen pointing the finger at his doll and claiming she “hasn’t turned 18 yet.” This is the danger inherent in these laws. No matter how well written, no law can say for sure if a specific doll has turned the age of consent or not in her appearance.

Recently it has come to our attention that credit card processors are not allowing the sale of child-like dolls through their processing systems. This means that now it will be slightly more difficult to buy these dolls in the US. Customers will have to resort to paying with alternative payment methods like crypto, Western Union, or money order. We do not encourage customers to ever specifically use Paypal or Venmo as companies like this or Stripe will and have stolen money from companies who dare to use these two companies to try to sell products not allowed in their terms and conditions. At the time of this writing Paypal currently owns Venmo. If any customer places an order on we will contact them by email and arrange payment offline from this website, leading to an experience with not only more privacy, but also a better tailored customer service experience than any other sex doll site on the web.

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